The road less traveled. From China to Westwood to Tokyo to Hollywood. And it has made all the difference.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Watch that Child!

おかしな英語を集めたサイト があります。特に日本で使われている和製英語はかなり支離滅裂で、ネイティブスピーカーにとってはかなりおもしろいです。
例え:子供達に注意==>Watch that child(==>あの子供をよく観れ!)
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
東京 West Coast Night
東京ミッドタウンで、West Coast Nightを行うので、その知らせを転送します。PAC4(UCLA/USC/Berkeley/Stanford)のAlumni, ぜひ行ってみてね。
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 23:04:16 +0900
From: "Naoto Katahashi"
Subject: West Coast Night Summer 2007!! 7/1(Sun) 6PM at Tokyo Mid-Town (J&E)
English contents follows:
恒例となりました東京最大のインターナショナルイベントWest Coast Nightを東京
日時: 7月1日(日)18時 ~
会場: Okawari.jp @ 東京ミッドタウン
チャージ: 4000円(飲み放題・軽食20時半まで、その後はキャッシュオンでお残り
ください! 前回のWCNにいらっしゃった方も、今回が初めての方も、詳細はこち
West Coast Night
Having many requests and supports from many past attendees of West Coast
Night, we've decided to organize another one for this summer! West Coast
Night Summer 2007, West Coast themed party, will be on Sunday, July 1st.
Details as follows:
DATE: July 1st(Sun), 18:00 -
PLACE: Okawari.jp @ Tokyo Mid-Town
COST: 4000 yen(light food and nomihodai until 20:30, cash-on after 20:30)
Like the past WCN parties, we expect that many successful and interesting
people with various backgrounds will attend. It is an excellent chance to
both network and just have a great time with fun people. Though the theme is
West Coast Night, and many attendees have a West Coast university connection, it is open to all and we welcome you to invite those who you know who would enjoy the party. For more information, please take a look at the following website:
West Coast Night
We expect a large crowd, so please RSVP in advance to put your name (and your friend's names who will attend) on the reservation list to ensure entry to the party.
Hope to see you there!
Naoto Katahashi