Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lawyers as Business Leaders?

Here is an interesting study. Posting this in no way should be construed as a criticism of my professional colleagues and clients (lest I'm criticizing myself).

A Hildebrandt Director who is a psychologist with a law degree has catalogued the personality traits common to lawyers:

"They include: skepticism; high cognitive thinking; urgency or impatience; autonomy; sensitivity or defensiveness; and a lack of sociability."

Adam Smith, Esq. posits a similar catalogue of traits common to successful business leaders:

Instinctive trust of others; intellectual smarts combined with "emotional intelligence;" decisiveness; collaborative by nature; welcoming of alternative viewpoints and sincerely open to constructive debate; and an inborn temperamental ability to get along with a wide variety of people.

Notice any differences between the two sets of traits? Which would you like to develop?


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